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Channelling the Mind – New Moon in Gemini and Jupiter in Libra

Artistic Daria Ashtanga Yoga Panama Moonday Horoscope

With the Moon in its closest position to the Sun in the sign of Gemini, this Thursday 25th of May 2017, a new lunar cycle with a strong focus on communication, curiosity and vision unfolds. High levels of mental activity will be engaged during these first days. Gemini is the quality of curiosity, interest, communication exchange, knowledge and learning.

Have you thought about acquiring a new hobby or learning something new? Well, this is the proper time to start doing it. Or maybe to strengthen your scope of knowledge in some specific subject? Have you thought about writing something? Implementing an idea? Focus on that.

As it happens with New Moons, the time itself is a metaphysical “break” or “pause” before a new beginning. A new part of this twelve-lunation year.

The best way is to dive into the nature of this time, which is about learning, communicating and developing a positive sense of curiosity in life and its parts, instead of engaging into compulsive thinking or emotional over-thinking.

The New Moon day allow us to take a metaphysical break from our daily activities, relax, stay at home, take a time for ourselves, and think about something special we are interested in doing or learning about. We can also think about close friends or relatives we would like to get in touch with. Gemini is exchange of knowledge and interest.

On the other side, we are dealing with more planetary dynamics in the moment. Mars in Gemini, for example, is forming interesting aspects. It is in opposition to Saturn (retrograde) in Sagittarius.

Saturn is pushing us to define a solid vision and a strong structure of meaning in this life, but Mars in Gemini is demanding activity: brain activity! Mars in Gemini is pushing us for thought and action. An impatient rush towards doing things, relating, communicating, impulsive actions and all sort of restless movements that do not allow us to sit and think clearly about the “main idea”.

In addition, this phenomenon is amplified by a flow between Mars, and Uranus and Venus in Aries, the sign ruled by Mars. In simple words, we are dealing with an explosive mental drive and impulse.

This dynamic between Mars and Uranus has been already going on, but it is now being amplified. Therefore, we should be careful about making important decisions in this time, especially if these are propelled by emotions and impulses.

If we are forced to take decisions of a relevant nature, we should always go back to “the main idea”, the “main vision”, and try to set aside temporary impulses and emotionally conditioned desires.

Talking about emotions, we find Jupiter Retrograde in Libra in a separating opposition to Venus in Aries. We might be dealing with very strong relationship forces here, either for good or bad.

If you want to go deep into a more detailed reading of this Moon along with all the Astrological Facts going on in our sky, please visit Mara's blog here.


With the Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces and Leo Rising, Mara de Diego is an Astrology practitioner and a forever learner. Born in Panama, but currently living in Kingston, Jamaica, Mara works with the tropical zodiac, and the Porphyry house system.

Because of her dedication and continuous study she has gained enough experience to perform consultations with people and assess them through her website. If interested on her advice or a Full Astrological Chart Reading please visit

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